About Us
Parvaaz Foundation is a charity organization founded eight years ago to eradicate illiteracy and provide quality modern education among Muslim community. We provide financial assistance to all those who cannot pay their fees and are interested in pursuing their studies. We have supported over 5000 students in last eight years.
This fund is collected from concerned community members who are willing to share part of their earnings for their fellow brethrens. We also accept Zakaat funds.
Functioning of Parvaaz Foundation is very simple.
- Students need to apply for scholarship.
- Physical survey is conducted for verification of data provided by students.
- On basis of survey report committee decides to grant scholarship.
- If student is selected for the program fee is directly paid to school through cheque.
- We make annual fee commitment which is renewable for another year after performance analysis. Monthly performance sheet is collected from school to monitor progress.
Al Hamdulilah with financial support provided by our members many students have been able to fulfill their dreams. They are pursuing their successful career and leading respectful & meaningful life.
Parvaaz Foundation is also to provides motivation & career counseling to all those who are interested in higher studies.